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Early Intervention for Speech Therapy for Suspected Apraxia of Speech

apraxia therapy earlyintervention language therapy suspected apraxia of speech Jul 07, 2022

So.....I was a guest on a podcast! I engaged in an informative discussion with Cara Tambellini Danielson from @caraspeech on her podcast Early Education Matters with Cara Speech.  The topic of the podcast is Suspected Childhood Apraxia of Speech in Early Intervention.  Here is the link:                . 

These are the topics that we discussed:

1) What are pre-language skills for speech therapy early intervention?

2) Techniques to stimulate early language skills

3) What is Childhood Apraxia of Speech and Suspected CAS?

4) How do we treat suspected CAS?

The conversation was over an hour and covered a lot of ground. 

Parents: You will learn techniques that you can easily work into the daily routine to stimulate your child's language skills.  I provide many play based examples that you can get started with right away. You are already spending time playing with your child, this information will help you make the most of that time together. 

Clinicians: If you work with the 0-3 population, it is really important to understand the difference between a language based, and a motor based therapy approach. As you offer early intervention for speech therapy, you will likely encounter a child that does not respond to traditional language based therapy techniques.  You may suspect childhood apraxia of speech but are not sure when you can use that diagnosis.  This podcast will clarify that for you. 

Check out my post of instagram for more information on Suspected CAS in the 0-3 population.

Click here to read a blog post with more information about suspected apraxia of speech 


Free Target Selection Handout for CAS

Learn how to choose target words for minimally verbal children, understand

multisensory cueing, and other do's and don'ts in apraxia therapy.