
Principles of Motor Learning multisensory cueing principles of motor learning Jul 17, 2024

Principles of Motor Learning (PML) refers to how you structure practice of the target words, in apraxia therapy.

Before we go further, click here to receive a handout with the PML to refer to for session planning.

This blog post will focus on clinical application of the PML. Refer to the handout f...

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Multisensory Cueing in Apraxia Therapy auditory cueing multisensory cueing tactile cueing verbal cueing visual cues Mar 04, 2024

What is multisensory cueing? And why is it so important in apraxia therapy?

Multisensory cueing involves visual, auditory-verbal, and tactile cues. Children with childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) struggle with sequencing speech movements and transitioning between sounds. The use of multisensory cue...

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Sensory regulation to improve attention for apraxia therapy attention joint attention multisensory cueing sensory Feb 28, 2024

While settling in at my computer, I realized my habit of setting up a few things to aid me during work. From enjoying a cup of tea, a crunchy snack, or a lollipop, to playing music and wearing comfy clothes.

It's common for SLPs to have similar preferences. Hence, it shouldn't come as a su...

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Types of Feedback in Apraxia Therapy feedback knowledge of performance knowledge of results multisensory cueing principles of motor learning Oct 10, 2023

Feedback is very important in apraxia therapy. It is part of the structure of principles of motor learning. It gives the child information as to whether or not his production was accurate or if he needs to change the movements on the next production.  

Do you know about the different types of feedb...

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Segmenting words in Apraxia therapy dttc movement multisensory cueing segment segmenting Sep 18, 2023

When teaching a new word, please don't segment!

Segmenting is when you teach each sound in the word separately. It creates robotic speech and does not help the child move between the sounds.

Apraxia therapy is all about movement.  Children with childhood apraxia of speech have difficulty moving fr...

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What is Forward and Backward Chaining? How do we use it in Apraxia Therapy? backward chaining cueing forward chaining multisensory cueing Oct 03, 2022

Chaining is a very effective cueing technique in Apraxia therapy.  It can be used to correct a distorted sound in the word as well as working on omission of initial and final sounds in the word.  Children with childhood apraxia of speech often simplify syllable structures which results in omission o...

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Free Target Selection for CAS Handout! 


Tips to help you choose target words for minimally verbal children.

What is multisensory cueing?

Do's and Don'ts in Apraxia therapy